Friday, October 9, 2009

Brain Training. Does it work? Join the experiment!

From the BBC Lab UK 'Bang goes the theory' website Dr. Adrian Owen and Professor Clive Ballard explain why this experiment is important. The goal is to discover, does brain training really work? Anyone over 18 can join the experiment (you don't have to live in the UK). Its designed to be fun, so even though you need to invest 10 minutes 3 times a week, you'll be motivated to keep it up.
Here is an excerpt from the site:
Scientific evidence

Unfortunately, at the moment, the hype and enthusiasm exceeds the scientific evidence. This does not mean that brain training doesn’t work, just that it hasn’t been properly and scientifically investigated. We know that practising brain-training games definitely improves performance on those specific games; the thing that we don’t know is whether the skills you improve by playing a game can transfer over and be useful in the rest of your life. For example being good at Sudoku is no guarantee that you’ll be able to manage a set of accounts.

Join the brain training experiment.

1 comment:

Train your brain said...

Ive read conflicting claims, it would be nice to see some proof either way.